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This bucket is back and filled to the brim!

sunny 50 °F

Hiking in Himachal Pradesh

Hiking in Himachal Pradesh

Bucketbath is back! Micah and I hope you are as happy as we are to have this water pail-o-fun back together. We're spending the next month traveling through north India and have already checked New Delhi and Dharamsala off the list.

Tomorrow, we'll endure another never ending bus ride to the city of Amritsar to visit the Golden Sikh Temple and also see what is supposed to be a very entertaining changing of the guard at the border of India and Pakistan.

Enjoy our dorky antics. You've had 6 weeks to recover from the last one, it's overdue.

And don't forget to click on Micah's newest blog post from his website with some portraits from Myanmar! They are incredible as usual.


Posted by bucketbath 12:15 Archived in India Tagged hiking travel india mountain flag gross tibet trash lama wind cold silly cows prayer dharamsala political slapstick himalyas prisoner refuges dalhi strut noogie

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